Saturday, May 26, 2012

Trying to catch up.

So... since I can't really do a very good job at making up for lost time, I will just try to start from now and explain past events that seem to be pertinent to understanding our present or future situations.  Right now, Brett and I are just living the Provo, Utah, young married BYU family dream.  Brett recently changed his direction in school from heading down the Physical Therapy route, to now gearing up to head into Healthcare Administration.  There have been a lot of factors that have played into this decision, and although nothing is ever final, we both feel excited about the things that we are learning about the field that make it seem like something that Brett would really enjoy and toward which he feels he could meaningfully contribute.  There are daunting aspects, as with any potential career, but we both feel really good about his experiences in the field so far.  So... he is currently enrolled in spring classes, which include microbiology (not exactly his favorite...), a business lecture series (which has been really awesome hearing from all types of different professionals, their experiences and lessons they have learned and wish to convey to others) and teachings of the living prophets with none other than the teacher with the voice from the everlasting hills, Lloyd K. Newell.  Spring has been a little harder to get used to because even though he is only taking 3 classes, it is twice the speed with the same amount of material that is normally taught and absorbed over a 4-month period crammed into a 6-week period.  He is also still working part-time at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center as a Physical Therapy aide, which has also been really enlightening to have that perspective into hospital life.  He really enjoys that and always interesting stories, anywhere from getting bathroom-ed on, to the cute little old ladies that tell him he is a hybrid of David Archuleta and Jacob, "that handsome werewolf boy from that vampire movie." He is also still working as a research assistant for one of the exercise science professors at BYU, but that doesn't take too much time during the week.  And last but not least, he is working moderately on an internship/assignment for the hospital on researching and proposing methods for improving hospital quietness levels.  I guess it doesn't exactly help when he sees the nurses rocking out to Styx on their occasional breaks.  He is also an officer in the healthcare club at BYU, and he enjoys networking with other students who are pursuing the same course as him.  His highest hope right now is to be accepted into a program at the University of Minnesota, which is the number one program for a Master's Degree in Healthcare Administration.  He has been making some connections and is blessed to have long-term friendships with alumni from that university who have helped in to know what things he should be doing right now to prepare for the program and a rewarding career.  So.  Brett's life is full of new and exciting things and I live somewhat by proxy.
Papa Bear with his little cub :)
One exciting thing is that a little while ago, Brett signed us up for the St. George Marathon.  We were only in the lottery, and when we signed up, we needed to wait just a few weeks to find out if we were actually in the race.  So we started training and I was kind of excited/nervous but then Brett's knees really started bothering him and so I was actually hoping that we wouldn't get it.  And well, I guess it was somewhat a relief when we didn't get in.  But I still really wanted to run a  marathon, just to say I've done it!  So I signed up for the Top of Utah Marathon, which is going to be on September 15... so a little while still but I'm excited to do it... I thought about trying to run with Jacks in the stroller, but I don't think me pushing him in the stroller for 26 miles is exactly either of our idea of an overly enjoyable experience... so maybe he can stay with dad to come cheer me on for the last little bit.  Matt Erickson, one of Brett's really good friends, his wife is also running a marathon and she showed me a really good training schedule to go by that I've been using.  I like it so far, but the most I have run according to the schedule is 11 miles... and I've only ever done a half-marathon before.  So... we shall see. Scott, Brett's dad, has run 10 marathons and the Top of Utah was one of his favorites so I am excited.  I am working at the MTC, or Missionary Training Center, where I work with the missionaries called to serve in Hungary.  I really love working there and of course like most things in life, feel that I get more out of the experience than I give.  Right now I have a group of 7 missionaries, 2 sisters and 5 elders, and they are all wonderful wonderful people and it is a privilege to be with them on a daily basis and to watch them learn and grow.  I feel like I shouldn't even get paid to work there, but I do, and it is really nice to get paid, but it is just such a blessing in my life.

Other than that, I do the mom thing.  Brett watches Jacks usually while I am at work, but we also have some good friends that really help us out on some days so that Brett can study in preparation to taking the GRE.  Being a mom is like any other experience we undergo in life, we hear that it will be great, hard, challenging, joyful or any other adjective that exists to describe certain experiences we all go through... but you never really understand until you experience it.  I've only been a mom for 6 months of my life which is such a small fraction, but I gradually am beginning to understand the importance of it, how I need to change to become the mother that my children need me to be, and what a joy it is.  It's so amazing to be entrusted with this little person with complete trust, love and confidence in you and everything around him.  It's very humbling for me and I love him very much.  I am also grateful for great examples around me, of mothers, whether or not they have children, but of women who are kind, gentle, loving, patient and who just exemplify goodness.  And for men of course too and the wonderful fathers they are :) It's so fun to watch Brett with him and to see the love that grows as Jacks learns and grows and can express a little more every day.  Life is good.  I need to start new hobbies so I can have cool things to write about.

Our family to 2...
added 1...
And became 3.

My sweet sister Kait before heading to Iraq

Just one last little tidbit... Monday is Memorial Day and I just want to write a bit about my gratitude to live in America.  I am so grateful for the men and women who desire liberty and rise to the occasion to fight for freedom and justice, even if they are people they have never met or ever will meet, but understand the basic right of every human soul and heart to have freedom.  My sister and her soon-to-be-husband are great examples to me who gave of their time, strength and courage, to represent our country.  I am grateful for them, and other men and women, who fight against evil and always believe that good, righteousness and nobility will prevail.  I know I get caught up in the day-to-day but I am grateful for those who see the bigger picture and fight for our freedom.  I love being an American! And I am so grateful for the men and women who have sacrificed so much for my freedom, my happiness, and my life.

Hopefully I will be more diligent about updating this more often... but I'll do my best.  :) That's all for today...


  1. I just learned so much about you & Brett that I didn't know! I am glad you started this! Your little man is so cute, I can't wait for him & Austin to be little buddies :). Love ya!

  2. Thanks for sharing that video with us of Noemi that had Sister Falslev in it. I didn't know how to get ahold of you either...but I wanted to thank you so much for all you have done for Sister Falslev. She loved you as a teacher!
